Friday, January 25, 2013

Pop - Ch.2

   “She looks so little, though. Mhm. Alright, see you when you get back.” Click.

   I was starting to wake up when I realized where I was. Before falling asleep I had just broken into THE Alekk Weston’s summer vacation home. That entire sentence sounds impossible to me, but there I was, lying on a couch in his living room. But that wasn’t his voice. My eyelids flew open.

 The man was sitting at the dining table, but as soon as he heard me he came over.

 “Al isn’t going to like you being here. How did you get in anyway?” My nerves jolted. Who was this man? And who gave him permission to have the bluest eyes on the planet?

 “Through the door on the side. It was open.”

 “Shoot. He’s always leaving doors open. One day we’re going to come back and everything will be gone. Who are you anyway?”

   Darn. I hadn’t actually thought about that. About who I would pretend to be so that I would actually have the chance to stay. I had to think of something quick, otherwise I’d have absolutely nowhere to go. Whatever I said in the next five minutes would determine me staying here or possibly being on the streets. I looked around the room, for anything.
  Then I saw it. A poster for some scholarship a student could get that included free music lessons from Mr. Weston himself. Bingo!

 “I am the student that won the scholarship,” I tried to sound confident, “but my college rearranged the music lessons so that I could take them during the summer before any of my classes started. I’m guessing no one told you?”

 He mused a bit before giving a face of recognition. I’m guessing neither he nor Alekk talked about the scholarship students that much. It made sense. A lot of things in their lives were probably more interesting than giving some girl guitar lessons.

 “Yes!! Oh, yea we weren’t expecting you until fall, and definitely not at this little place. So you’re Alyssa then? I don’t know why, but that name sounds familiar.”

 “Well, my real name is Alyssa, but I’ve always been called Max.” I lied.

   The man looked surprised.
   “Alright….Max? I’m Niv. I’m Al’s assistant. Your room’s the empty one, and I’m not usually one to bear a rude comment, but I suggest you take a shower or something.”

 “Oh!” my face flushed bright red. I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed to the nearest empty room. I heard Niv laughing behind me.

   After being on the road for a couple of days, a good shower was just what I needed. I stood in my room afterwards and enjoyed the splendor of being here. I knew I would love it. My room was nice and neat, and so big. I smiled and decided to explore the rest of the house. My smile was wiped clean.

   The house was disgusting! How did I not notice this earlier? Magazines had littered the floor, and plates of food were left all over the counters. You could tell some had been left there for days. Flies were all over the place. I couldn’t just leave it all there. Not if I was going to be here for the entire summer.

   After cleaning the house, I looked for Niv. He was at the pool. So now I had freedom. I sighed and ran over to the couch and flicked on the TV. And that’s when I screamed.

     Alekk was at the door, but I could have sworn I didn’t see him as I did my little jump onto the couch. How embarrassing. And I couldn’t believe it. Less than twenty feet away from me was someone I had been watching on TV practically my entire life. THE Alekk Weston.
    “No, go ahead, make yourself at home. I mean, you did only just break into it a couple of hours ago. Oh, but I see you have made my home yours. Niv and I don’t clean around here. We have a maid for that.”

 Yikes. I curled back further in the couch.
 “I’m your-,”

   “Student. Yes, I know. I’ll teach some things to you like you want and in a couple of months, I’ll be free again. I just want you to know that while you are my student, this is also my house. So don’t be surprised if, you know, I have a couple of friends over,” Alekk cut me off with a wink. He went to then get himself a drink before going outside on his porch.

   I sighed deeply. What was I doing here?! Ugh.
   It was now midnight. Though I wasn’t tired, I made my way to my room. Might as well get out of the way before the party begins. I sat at my desk and cried. I had met Alekk Weston, and I couldn’t help but think that he was kind of a jerk.



  1. Well he honestly doesn't look so good to me...

  2. lol! that was before I gave him his make-over (;
